Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is An American?

In reading the following poems and literature regarding American identity, it has brought many answers to my attention. When I had looked into what it means to be an American, I came up with the typical definitions of freedom, equality, liberty, etc. However, my definition of American identity was challenged. After reading the different pieces of literature, especially the first one which talked about Englishman and how they were Americans really brought in a light to my analysis. By the authors' remarks, it made me understand what being an American truly meant to individuals back to the 1700's versus late 1800's. In reading Hughes' take on Americanism, I felt it corresponded with my idea of Americanism on how individuals have to work hard in order to receive what they deserve. Coming from an individual who stood along the lines on inequality and frustration, really opened my eyes and viewed what Americanism truly is. After reading Hughes' poem, it also made me realize that Americanism isn't just about working hard to accomplish freedom, but knowing how to accomplish that freedom. Both pieces of literature brought up great main ideas and really looking deeper into the first reading made me realize the flaws in that piece of literature and how it poorly describes what it means to be American versus Hughes' take on Americanism.

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