Monday, November 7, 2011

Zitkala-Sa's American Dream

Zitkala-Sa's writings have so much meaning as the reader is able to live her life through the readings. In beginning to read the reading, I was able to grasp what she under went through much hard ache to obtain the American Dream she yearned for. In the first couple of sections, she describes her difficulties she under went, which therefore leads readers to believe that her American Dream was taken away from her. "I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit." (pg. 431) This sentence really stood out to me in analyzing her text. It shows that under going hardships, losing what she had before, and adapting to a new culture and following higher authorities leads to obtaining an American Dream. Later on, she was able to learn how to speak a more amount of English than she did before, which therefore, was a positive outlook. In writing her piece of literature, she discusses what needed to be done before acquiring that American Dream. Discussing hardships and going into detail on what was felt and endured tells the reader that it required tears and sweat. 
This text, in general, shows the life of many in incurring the American dream. In the end, "At the close of this second term of three years I was the proud owner of my first diploma. The following autumn I ventured upon a college career against my mother's will" (pg 437). This text was very important in the fact that this was against her mother's will and what she believed what was right for her. In being away for years and adapting to another culture, thus getting rid of your original, you start to change for the better and realize that where you originally stood, would've never gotten you closer to your American Dream. This nonetheless, shows the differences of American Dreams; In the mother's perspective, her American dream was taken away from her by being taken from her while her American dream was accomplished through obtaining a degree. 

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